Write a story titled " The Baby Dragon"
Once upon a time there was a baby dragon named Phil Khalil. Phil Khalil was a very small dragon who couldn't fly and he tried with all his might to fly high into the sky, like a bird. Phil khalil decided that he was determined to fly no matter what. So Phil khalil went to flying lesson at the Fly-Away School. When he got there he thought it would definitely teach him how to fly, until one day after all the excerising and getting pumped up, the teacher Mr. La' dragon told the dragon students that he was retiring from working at the school. When Phil Khalil heard this he was really hurt and couldn't believe it, he told his teacher that it was no fair and that he didnt even learn how to fly yet. His teacher told him that he would fly real soon but to just remeber that the power was within him. Phil Khalil tried so hard to get what his teacher meant but couldn't quite figure it out. One a warm and cold day Phil Khalil saw another baby drago stuck in a tree.He knew that he couoldn't fly yet he was not going to let the baby dragon stay stuck in the tree so he tried with all his might to get the baby dragon from out of the tree. He spread out his wings and flew right up to the tree and he saved the baby dragon. After when he was asked about his heroic story and how it came about, he just said I FOUND THE POWER WITHIN ME and Phil Khalil flwe happily forever after.
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