Saturday, January 15, 2011

appreciating parents

The reason i feel that teens should learn how to appreciate their parents are because parents know what best for us although we feel like we know whats best, parents know more then we do. If some people lived without their parents i feel that they wouldn't know how to survive. For example, I have a friend who has his mother in his life but they got into alot of arguements and she put him in a boys home. While in there he had problems and didnt like it and he also had to learn how to take care of himself without his mother to depend on. It was hard for him but yet he still managed to make it because he was so strong and believed in himself and what he could do. He may have a chance to go back with his mother but in the mean time he continues to wish that he could return back home. Anyway the moral of my story is just that he didn't have his mom really and had to manage on his own and that's what we expect for ur parents to help us with instead of doing everything on their own. So unless your mom tells you to do something wrong and tell you that your worthless, you should really appreciate your parents

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Even when you least realize it, your parents lived longer and made mistakes, but also learned from them. So listening to your parents will also teach you new things you never knew before.
